Page Decor..

Decor 1  [small graphics of leaves, designs and other things to decorate pages]

Decor 2  [small graphics of leaves and other things to decorate pages]

Decor 3  [leaves, small silhouettes, eyeglasses, mailbox, inkwell & feather, leaves and catkins]

Decor 4  [small graphics of leaves, pears, apples, flowers and other things to decorate pages]

Decor 5  [small groups of leaves to decorate pages.  Can be used as small separators]

Decor 6  [small abstract leaf design.  Can be used as small separators]

Decor 7  [camelias in different shades]

Decor 8  [small separators of leaves and small flower corsages]

Decor 9  [small separators of dogwood branches with flowers]

Decor 10  [very small separators of curly lines and hearts]

Decor 11  [graphics of prairie bonnets in 4 colors]


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